Funded by the Export Development Coordination Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (Hungary).
Uzbek partner participating in the project: Micontom LLC (Namangan).
Supporting organisation: Namangan Engineering and Technology Institute (Namangan)
In line with the objectives of the Export Development Coordination Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to promote the foreign market activities of domestic micro, small and medium-sized enterprises and to increase their international competitiveness, our company has carried out a study on the groundwater storage potential for irrigation in the Fergana region (Uzbekistan).
The project aims to promote an integrated approach to water resources management for sustainable development, focusing on the agriculture and food sectors, which play a particularly important role in the economies of developing countries. Investment in agriculture promotes economic growth, increases food security and contributes to poverty reduction.
The project involved the assessment and monitoring of groundwater bodies using geophysical methods, including the acquisition of archived hydrogeological, meteorological and other data, and the creation of a GIS-based database. Field geophysical surveys were used to delineate aquifers and identify protection areas, while monitoring was carried out through trend analysis of well data and water balance estimates.
The project has resulted in real-time data of industrial relevance, supporting decision making and thus improving the hydrological and environmental status of the region. In addition, the project contributes to environmental sustainability through professional training, expansion of the water export market and participation in the design and implementation of international projects.